How Your New Product Needs Rapid Prototype Injection


How many times have you designed a product that you think was immediately good for the public but it failed? If you have experienced this at all, then keep reading this article. When an item comes out for the market and it immediately has to be withdrawn and restructured again before its next release, it is usually the problem with one aspect of the production process, prototyping.

Manufacturing is not over until the designed item is prototyped— a finished version of the product or look-alike, is produced and tested with use over time to evaluate its functionality, durability, and likeability by the target market. Prototyping also involves getting feedback from the demographic of people you hope will patronize the product later. This is where rapid prototype injection comes in to play. With rapid prototype injection, you can achieve better production.

You Can Test the Market Value

If not for any other reason, prototype your finished designs to predetermine how it will behave in the market. During this process of manufacturing, your prototype should be tested using real-life people who will give real feedback on whether they would like to purchase it when the product comes out or not. This will be great because you will know what to work on and if there is nothing wrong with the products, it will be fine to launch.

Your Brand Will Gain Good Publicity

For this to happen, every product you put out has to be standard, functionable and deliver what it promises. This will not be the case if your product has to be withdrawn from the market due to bad planning when it has already been launched. Rapid prototype injection helps you avoid this embarrassment.

The Big Brands Do It

Take a cue from brands like Haier Thermocool, Apple and Samsung. Their products are run through various tests before being released to the public. If these brands who have been operating this long and gained some loyal customers do it, then it should be something every other brand should imbibe.

It Saves Lives

Yes, especially if your product is complicated to use and has some specific method of operation. It doesn’t even have to be that. Without prototyping, you have no way to ensure that a device does not overheat and blow up, isn’t poisonous to small children and pets or doesn’t harm the user. Rapid prototyping saves lives, or at least, prevents injuries.

You Will Know What To Fix

The obvious reason for prototyping your products comes in last. Your prototype, after being tested for functionality, if it falls to meet the purpose it was designed to meet, this process of manufacturing will give you the chance to change certain things before releasing it to your target market.


Do you have a product design that you have yet begun to sell? Using rapid prototype injection is the best option for you. It saves you your money, time, and brand identity. Every new product must be sampled and verified. Releasing a new item to the public can be disastrous. Save yourself a lawsuit and take this necessary step.


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